عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 04-03-2010, 03:57 AM   رقم المشاركة : 4

أفاق : الاداره



أفاق : الاداره غير متواجد حالياً

الملف الشخصي

أفاق : الاداره غير متواجد حالياً

رد: الخبز الهندي: من التشاباتي والبارنشا والبوري إلى النان

Naan Pizzaبيتزا النان

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Naan rounds (or ready-made pizza crusts, like Boboli, or a flour tortilla)
Herb-infused olive oil (recipe below)
Goat cheese
Oil-cured olives, pitted
Basil, chopped
Cherry tomatoes, halved
Over medium heat place one naan in a frying pan that’s been brushed with some herb-infused olive oil.

Brush the naan with more olive oil. Place the goat cheese, olives, basil and tomatoes on the naan. Cover the pan. Turn off the heat. Let sit for a few minutes to soften the goat cheese. Repeat for as many naans as you’d like to make. (Probably one per person.)

That’s it. You know the drill: This recipe is really a guide. Do what you want. Use what you have or what appeals to you.)

Herb-infused Olive Oil
Best quality olive oil
Assorted herbs
Peeled garlic cloves, about 3 or 4
Salt and pepper

Rough chop the herbs. Cut the garlic cloves to expose flesh.

Heat olive oil in a pan just until you can heat waves above it. Turn off heat. Dump the herbs and garlic in the oil. Add some salt and pepper. Let the oil sit and steep with the herbs.

Remove the herbs after an hour or so. (It’s not as crucial to remove the garlic. In fact, I keep a jar of olive oil in my fridge with whole garlic cloves in it. I use this for dipping, for brushing and for dressings.)

That’s it. Oh, but as above, let your imagination be your guide. Use whatever flavors you wish to infuse into the olive oil: chili peppers, garlic, chives, lemon rind, grapefruit, ginger, even dried fruit, such as apricots.

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التوقيع :

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد عبدك ونبيك ورسولك
النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما عدد مااحاط به علمك
وخط به قلمك واحصاه كتابك
وارض اللهم عن سادتنا ابي بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي
وعن الصحابة أجمعين وعن التابعين وتابعيهم بإحسان الى يوم الدين

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